Christmas in Philippines

The Philippines is known as the “Land of Fiestas,” and at Christmas time,  this is especially true.  Filipinos are proud to proclaim their Christmas celebration to be the longest and merriest in the world.  It begins formally on December 16 with attendance at the first of nine pre-dawn or early morning masses and continues on nonstop until the first Sunday of January, Feast of the Three Kings, the official end of the season.

The Philippines is the only Asian country where Christians predominate. Most of the  people are Roman Catholic.  Christmas is very  important and valued holiday for most Filipinos. Because it is a time for family, for sharing, for giving, and a time for food, fun, and friendship.

Christmas is the most anticipated fiesta of the year and is celebrated accordingly to most of Pilipinos.  The marvelous climate of this tropical island nation, the abundance and beauty of its different decorations seen in each houses and churches they are all lovely with the different color of christmas lights , its multitude of culinary delights, and above all its warm-hearted people with their true devotion to family and faith all contribute to a holiday celebrated in the true Philippines fiesta tradition.

The spirit of Christmas, can be seen and feel to those people around you and the way the create Christmas décors.

The Different Christmas Pictures of the Philippines.

The Parol

The PAROL hang on the streets

Simbang Gabi

The Church during Christmas Time

the Poto bobong

The Poto Bobong : Philippines Christmas Sweet

Christmas here in Philippines is not complete without this sweets sale outside the church.

Foods for noche buena

The foods prepares for the night of Christmas (Nuche-buena)

the family

The Family during Christmas

It’s the time were all of the family and friends are happy gathered together in the very special day. The only time families be together and see each other.

Christmas in Philippines is really great and meaningful. Its the only  month were all people have a wonderful smiles in there faces. Were enemies become friends, were you can feel the joy from the heart.

There is unity during Christmas. Unity in the way, people are in one in celebrating the birth of our one and only Saviour Jesus Christ.

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